VisionCite is a unique database of citations that was created to provide greater access to vision science related journal articles.
Print, open access and electronic journal articles received by the ICO Library and that are related to the vision sciences are indexed. Citations reference articles on: optometry, ophthalmology, medical sciences, contact lenses, reading, learning disabilities, aging, perception, practice management and other vision related subjects.
For best results, it is recommended that VisionCite is used in conjunction with PubMed (Medline) to allow more complete access to both historical and current journal information.
The database currently contains close to 335,000 citations from 1984-present.
Approximately 12,000 citations are added annually.
Annual Report
For Profit Organizations:
$1500 annually for unlimited searching for up to 10 simultaneous users
Not-For-Profit Organizations:
$1000 annually for unlimited searching for up to 10 simultaneous users
ICO Alumni:
$100 annually for a single use subscription
Article Pricing and Availability:
$15.00 sent as PDF file, faxed, or mailed (includes copyright clearance fee).